Winter riding made easy: Tales from Oahu’s Tantalus climb

There I was in February just flying up a Hawaiian road that bisected a golf course off Sandy Beach. Okay guilty. I wasn’t flying up the hill because I was in winter shape. That means, I had no shape. If you have already, or want to, cycle on Oahu, then you will like this. My…

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When the Mountains Called for Me

There are hills that we are going to confront in this life. Long winding monsters with knives out that we see waiting from a great distance, others that seem to step out of the treeline and blindside us from out of nowhere, causing us to fight for each foot forward in slow motion. When I…

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What a Ride It Was!

Prelude – The Flat Tire One week before the Tour de Victoria I headed out on my last major training session with the intention of riding one section of the new 60 km route that I didn’t know — the second quarter that runs from Victoria General Hospital up to Elk Lake. I’d heard rumours…

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It’s a ride, not a race!

“It’s a ride, not a race”.  We took that approach this year and had a great day along with the rest of the Silver Wheels team, including many who took part in a pre-race photo-op: and warm-up ride on Friday: On ride day, though, the adrenalin was in evidence and everyone was pretty keen as…

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Why the Tour de Victoria really is a ride for everyone!

Lets just say procrastination might be human nature, but it is definitely my nature.  The intention to train a little or even to ride a little before the Tour de Victoria went out the window when lake season arrived. I pulled my bike out of the garage at 9:00 am on August 18. Two very…

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To my riding buddies, thanks for getting me here

  To my riding buddies, thanks for getting me here For those unaware, I’m doing the 140km Harbour Air Seaplanes course. It’s my first time exceeding 100km. I mostly train alone but I am grateful for a few rides with others this year, and of course, each had its own story.   Thanks Robbie for…

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The Tour de Victoria is here, no turning back now

Deadlines approach, no turning back now. The last month has been interesting, not a recipe for event training but it is what it was. One month to go: After some extended rest periods, courtesy of Hannah, my physiotherapist, and some common sense, I got the green light to get back on my bike for some…

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New 60-km Ride Seems Less Daunting After Longer Training Rides

Happy (almost) BC Day! If you’re like me, the arrival of August is especially exciting because it means the Tour de Victoria is finally here. August 18 is the big day. I’ve spent the past few months getting on my bike as often as I can to help prepare for the jump from the 45-km…

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When injury slows down your training

(Sandy) I’m going to have to leave the interesting part of this blog to Kim.  Last year I was not in top condition to ride the TDV due to a major coming together with a concrete highway barrier during a spring group ride (injury included broken ribs, orbital bone, stitches etc.) and I had to…

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